In this podcast, we speak with Glenn Dye a third generation full-time farmer in Virginia. Glenn's story is one that brings together the importance of family history, working the land, managing natural resources, and supporting his family.
As his operation continues to expand, his techniques must evolve as well. Glenn actively works with the local NRCS offices to utilize cost-share programs to further improve the tillable acres on his farm. To date, programs like cover crops, diverse cover crops, waterways, nutrient management plans, and no-till drilling have all increased his productivity and yields. Find out how these programs and more are transforming the way farmers amend soils and plant crops. Glenn's knowledge of agronomy and the health of soil should be encouraging to further pursue knowledge of this field.
If you enjoying talking farming, this podcast is for you! Techniques are evolving to stay up to date, we need to balance research with practitioners like Glenn in the field working daily to improve efficiency and fertility of our natural resources. Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand