Welcome back to another Land & Legacy podcast! We are getting back into the swing of things with the habitat talks. The majority of rut hunting is over and the questions are rolling in regarding habitat improvement projects. So we take time this week to cover some viewer questions and build upon last week's podcast when we discussed the difference between bedding thickets and sanctuaries.
Security cover on a farm is a non-negotiable necessity. However, security or the lack of intrusion is NOT often limited in most neighborhoods. There are always tucked away places on farms in your neck of the woods that will experience very little human intrusion. However, what is lacking is the presence of quality cover that is secure. Deeming an area as a sanctuary doesn't set you apart from neighboring farms. Quality cover that is secure gets you way ahead! Holding deer during daylight hours is the name of the game. This is how you win at controlling the local deer herd.
It is time to start getting the chainsaws sharp! Trees need to drop and the sunlight needs to be reintroduced. Wildlife needs to thrive, not simply survive. #ForLoveoftheLand