This week we take our prescribed fire talks even deeper. If you are skipping ahead and have yet to download the Prescribed Fire: The Basics podcast from a few weeks ago, be sure to check it out as we build upon that information this week.
The use of prescribed fire in the timber can easily provide the wildlife with more food and cover on a yearly basis. However, to make this happen safely, their are certain procedures we recommend following prior to dropping a match. Some of these include fire line prep, equipment checks, calling fire departments, and re-checking the fire weather. In addition, once the fire is burning and doing it's job, we cover things to look for like, dead snags and hilly terrain. There are even some fire techniques that we can use to speed up the process and make the habitat respond even better. This podcast series is designed to educate land owners, hunters, and conservationist to use prescribed fire to increase habitat for wildlife. Enjoy. Learn. Share! #ForLoveoftheLand
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