Although it may not feel like spring this week, the calendar says we need to start preparing for food plot season. This week, we devote our time to talking with Stratton Seed Company from Stuttgart, Arkansas. This company has a deep history of success in the agriculture industry. They are now branching out to continue their success into the world of food plots. With that move, comes new and exciting ways to approach food plotting. In this discussion, it will be easy to see why the seed blends, the browse resistant/heavy pod producing soybeans work so well into our philosophy of diversity within food plots. Stratton has a large web of distribution making it easier to get seed into the hands of food plotters. Stratton Seed Company shares similar values of helping to improve and conserve as many acres as possible. This can be reflected in the price points across the board.
Be sure to follow along as we discuss our thoughts on food plots. We share ideas like, how they should be incorporated into a proper layout and why we plant diverse crop mixtures. Food plots are without a doubt are a huge avenue for success during hunting season, but deciding where, how, what to plant then becomes the question. Be sure to follow along and checkout the value this company is offering! Enjoy. Learn. Share! #ForLoveoftheLand
If you have any further questions regarding Stratton Seed Company, there products, or interested in becoming a distributor, contact
food plots
seed mixes
diverse seed blends
pollinator species
wildlife mixes
waterfowl food plot blend
Stratton Seed Company history
forage soybean vs. ag soybean
soybean genetics
soybean traits
browse resistance
glyphosphate tolerant vs. Round-Up ready
fall food plot blend
spring food plot blend
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