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You are currently viewing A Giant 200″ Buck Taken in Illinois with Ryan Kirby

A Giant 200″ Buck Taken in Illinois with Ryan Kirby

During this podcast, we catch up with Land & Legacy's client, Ryan Kirby to discuss his recent hunting success. Ryan recently made his annual voyage back home to Illinois to bow hunt the rut during November. This year was different than most as he was able to harvest a 200" inch whitetail on his family's farm. This buck is a giant whitetail, whose mass is out of this world! The fourth mass measurement was over 7 inches!

In addition to hearing the story of how Ryan harvested this giant whitetail, you will hear the hunt and habitat break down for a 154 inch 9-pointer that was taken by Ryan's friend on a 40-acre parcel that Ryan owns. Land & Legacy assisted Ryan in the development of this property. It's no wonder after hearing this story of why this giant 9-pointer was harvested downwind of a bedding area. This specific hunt and story is the picture-perfect reason behind why habitat needs to be manipulated. We took a transitional property and totally changed it to hold deer.

If you like what you hear and want to create something like this on your property, please contact us at info@landandlegacy.tv. We hope you enjoy and create memories like this on land you own.