This week we chat with Land & Legacy client Kevin Warring of Maryland. He is a farmer, waterman, father, and government employee. This guy does it all, living off the land and working for it! Kevin has a unique story as he shares the process he went through to afford a family farm by enrolling it in a conservation easement. This process can be challenging, confusing, and difficult to navigate. With the help of Kevin's explanation, we hope it encourages you to pursue something opportunities.
Kevin explains how his connection to the land and dedication to family are tightly woven together and impacted his life greatly. Without question, Kevin's children will greatly benefit from this forward thinking. Even though Kevin and his family own several hundred acres, what they are committed to is something greater than themselves. By preserving, conserving, and being a wise steward of their resources, their efforts positively impact the Chesapeake Bay. Remember, "we all live downstream."
We hope this podcast is eye-opening, encouraging and enlighting! Consider making a lasting impact on the land yourself. Improve it for generations to come, leave your legacy. Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand