Technology has changed so many things in the world today. We can complain about it creating a society that's suffering from "Nature Deficit Disorder," or we can use it to our advantage! How many times have you wondered what weed is growing in your food plot? Or the type of tree that your favorite deer stand is hanging in? Looking for ways to get your children interested in the outdoors? This might be the podcast for you!
Like many of you, we've always wondered how much rain our food plots received during the last thunderstorm. We've found the app that tells us how much rain fell on our farm. When it's time to plant food plots it's also great to know just how big the area you're planting is so we can determine how much seed we need. We've got that app also. Whether you hate technology or not, using these apps will only make your life easier.
Tune in on this podcast to hear Land & Legacy Co-Owner, Adam cover his favorite apps to use while he's working on his farm or assisting a client on theirs. From identifying plants, to the next cold front, to the best app to pass the time on the tractor while you're planting your food plots, we cover all of it! Finally, remember that bird you saw last week and you don't know the name or where it came from? We've got you covered with one of our favorite apps out there
Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand