Well, summer scouting has officially started. The trail cameras are out and starting to capture some great hit list bucks on several farms we hunt. Since we've gone ahead and removed all mineral from camera sites, we cover some of the ways we've successfully documented a few of the hit listers already this summer. With those older age class bucks, we begin to make out plans!
Once we've reviewed and identified the hit listers, it's time to add them into DeerLab. Since we have documented many of these deer movements in the past few years, we have a large database to confidently plan outing to hunt those bucks based on historical data. Hopefully, you can pick up some techniques and ideas on ways to develop a plan on harvesting the buck you have your eye on this year. To learn more about the bucks you chase, checkout out the DeerLab software HERE! Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand
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