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Wool and Whitetails with Kevin Harlander of First Lite

Have you ever wondered what it's like to not be cold while hunting? We sure have! But that pondering has stopped after getting hooked up with First Lite gear. This week we hear from Kevin Harlander of First Lite to discuss in full detail what the craze is about with wool based hunting gear. In addition, you're going to hear about the heart and soul of First Lite as a company. Kevin goes into great detail about conserving more land and habitat across the country with its giving back programs. First Lite is a large advocate for all things outdoors from fishing to hunting to hiking.
The properties of wool as a fabric are explained in great detail. This may sound boring however it's fascinating how dynamic this fabric can be. deer hunters in the east have often wondered if wool is too hot for them. We address this question and provide great examples as to why they should outfit themselves with some new gear this fall. We hope you enjoy this podcast and begin to look into First Lite as a company and their quality products. From early season to late season you will be finding us decked out, staying warm and dry in our wool-based clothing.

Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand